Monday, April 25, 2011

Temperance Report, 1918

From the Minutes of the Carrollton Baptist Association, 1918, in the report of the Temperance Committee:

"Usually our reports on Temperance are confined to strong drink, but the Bible teaches temperance in all things. We are glad to report much improvement in prohibition, thanks to our sheriff for his dilligence. We are intemperate in drinking, eating, talking, the use of coffee and tobacco. We should bridle our tongues. Paul says, 'Every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things,' and that temperance is 'the fruit of the Spirit.'"

"We recommend to the churches of the Carrollton Association that they urge their members to abstain from intemperance in soft drinks, tobacco and in speech."

1 comment:

  1. From the Western Baptist Association, also in 1918: "The intemperate use of soft drinks and tobacco is becoming alarming; also the distressing fact of the apparent inordinate love of pleasure and money. Our people seem to be becoming money and pleasure mad."


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