Friday, January 13, 2012

"Five Things to Be Avoided..."

From The Christian Index, January 29, 1841, attributed to "Dr. Doddridge"

Five things to be avoided, when called upon to preach in strange churches. 

  1. Do not choose texts which appear odd, the choice of which vanity may be supposed to dictate.
  2. Nor a text of censure: this is assuming.
  3. Nor a text leading to curious and knotty questions: then it would be said you preached yourself.
  4. Do not aim to eclipse the minister of the place by an extraordinary display of talent: this is unkind. But,
  5. Choose a text of an extraordinary edifying nature, connecting doctrine and practice together, still not a doctrine in respect to which there may be at that time much division among the people: this, I think, does not belong to a stranger. Deliver the discourse with urbanity and Christian feeling; you will then be welcome a second time.